Wiki pages down, busy creating MoinMoin webapp
Irmen de Jong
2006-04-17 10:13:28 UTC
For your information:
my Python wiki pages (including the Snakelets wiki pages)
are temporarily unavailable.

I'm busy converting the Wiki to a recent version of MoinMoin (1.5),
and at the same time creating a Snakelets webapp for MoinMoin.
What this means is that I will be able to run the MoinMoin wiki
as a regular webapp in the Snakelets server!
(it used to run as CGI behind Apache-- much slower)

Once this is finished, I will add the moinmoin webapp to
the snakelets downloads (just like Frog, for instance) so everybody
can benefit from this.

--Irmen de Jong

PS: the reason the wiki is down is because I've ditched Apache.
I used to run Snakelets behind Apache (reverse-proxy) and the wiki
as CGI in Apache, but now Snakelets itself is sitting on port 80
and there is no Apache proxy running anymore.

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